Saturday, March 29, 2014

Burp Cloth Nesting!

Maybe I'm...what they call "Nesting", maybe I'm just crazy. I get in these moods where my creative instincts are itching and I go all "GungHo" on whatever creative outlet I have decided. These so called "outlets" can range from sewing, scrap booking, painting, making signs, redoing furniture... whatever it is! This time .. Its sewing.

I decided to make a few burp cloths for a friend who was coming home with her baby, and for my baby Josie , who is a couple months away from joining us! I went to the store to get  fabric and might have went a little crazy.. but hey! It was on sale! :] I got lots a different fabric with the idea I could have a stash and make them for other friends who were having babies!

I made 7 the first round! 4 for my friend, and 3 for me! I ended up cutting fabric for 27 by the end of the night!  I enjoyed making them and am absolutely in love with how they turned out! Much nicer than a lot of them that you can find at the stores! Very much a boutique style, which probably means too nice and too cute for something that is just going to be spit up on or wipe dirty faces with! ;]

I have been wanting to start up an Etsy shop for a while but not quite sure what all I wanted to try and sell, having so many different ideas and hobbies! The idea comes and goes a lot, but I've decided I want to try and make this real...starting with the burp cloths! I will be selling other items I create and hopefully this will bring in some extra "fun money!"

I've been sewing away and starting to make things for my store, like creating a Tag to put on my items, creating a business name, talking numbers,  starting this blog, and researching ideas to further my business! I came up with the name JosieJo Creations - Inspired.Created.Loved since I will be naming my daughter Josie and I started this business with her in mind! Inspired by my creativity, Created, and then loving the finished product! 

Here are a few I made! Cotton fabric on one side, and grey Minky fabric on the other, which makes these incredibly soft and snugly! 

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